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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Lindasue, I can’t help with ideas for relieving your pain beyond what you’ve already tried. Hopefully your ophthalmologist will call back soon with some ideas.

    Some vitamins do interfere with the absorption of thyroid replacement hormones, so it’s wise to separate taking them by at least several hours. Iron or calcium or antacids especially must not be taken together with thyroid supplements. If you take your thyroid replacement in the morning, you might wish to take your vitamins in the evening. It’s helpful also to establish the same routine so any effects of food or supplements can be accounted for with adjustments in thyroid replacement dosage.

    It is okay to drink alcohol while on thyroid replacement hormones. Of course, you will follow the usual precautions and keep it moderate and let someone who’s abstained drive. ;)

    I’ve tried Ginko for my memory. The only thing I’ve found that’s helped my memory was switching to a replacement hormone that contained T-3. If you’re having problems, you might wish to discuss that with your doctor.

    Dianne W
    Assistant online facilitator

    Post count: 93172

    I’m glad I’m not the ony one n this bb taking a T3 medication. Have your TSh results reflected your clinical symptoms? Or are you still feeling hypo and your TSh is okay.

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