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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I honestly don’t know if that is enough time – I was allergic to the PTU so had been off it for a longer period of time. As for the steps, have they done an uptake scan on you yet? Basically, it is the same. When I had RAI, I went to the radiology department, signed what seemed like 4000 forms, had to swear I wasn’t pregnant (even though I had a hysterectomy in 1976!) and was then given my capsule and had to wait half an hour before I was allowed to leave. I was given a written sheet with all the precautions, plus had them explained and then I went home. I really didn’t have any bad side effects. About 1 week after RAI, I had that sudden release of thyroid hormone stored in my thyroid that everyone on the board talks about, but then, didn’t really have any other side effects. My only problem was that when my thyroid did finally crash, they didn’t catch it in time and my tsh shot up to 86.4 and I gained 67 pounds in 22 days! That didn’t have to happen and can be easily avoided by keeping a close check on your blood levels. Just keep in touch with your physician and don’t suffer in silence. If it doesn’t feel right to you, call, ask questions–it may seem silly to you, but that is why they make the big bucks – to take care of you!

    I wish you well–you will be in my prayers tomorrow! Please let me know how you do!

    Mitakuye Oyasin

    Valerie McAlister
    NGDF Online Assistant Facilitator

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