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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Any thought of exercise should be cleared with your doctor, first. It really depends upon where you are at in the disease and treatment. Since too much thyroid hormone interferes with the proper working of the heart, you have to be very careful not to add to the strain it is already under.
    So the best thing you can do is talk with your doctor. Getting your muscles back into condition once you are well again is a really good idea. Exercise then helps a lot. But you need to make sure you are in the right physical shape, or at least know how much physical exertion is appropriate for where you are at now. If your doctor does not want you to exercise right now, you could ask about doing stretches. These will work the muscles a wee bit, without putting any strain on you. I tried yoga, too, but too soon, thinking that it was “mostly” about stretching; but it really required too much physical strength for me at the point in time I tried it.


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