Bless you hear, Hoppee. I meant to write in my last post to a newly diagnosed warrior that I do recommend having a good endocrinologist on your team if at all possible. I live in a rural area and we simply don’t have access to an endo, so a good internal medicine physician works also, but I still consult with the out of town endo as needed. You do what you feel you need to do, as far as that second opinion with the endo. You are your own most important personal advocate, and it’s very hard while in the throes of GD, information is power, so read everything, back posts, search out RAI questions, and make the decision that’s right for you. I will tell you I chose RAI and feel this was the right choice for me. Good luck and best wishes and let us know how we can help.
NGDF Asst. Online FacilitatorJust a quick note and question. I was diagnoised by my family physican. When I told him my symptoms, he immediately told me it sounded like hyperthyroidism, but wanted to do blood work. When that came back with my TSH very low and T3 and T4 out of wack, he then ordred the thyroid uptake and scan. I didn’t really question him as he seem to know immediately when I told him my symptoms. He presribed meds after the uptake and scan, which the lab tech said showed slight hyperthyroidism. My doc. put me on Tapazole and inderal for the heart. I came off the Inderal two months later and continued with Tapazole 15 mg with no problems. I was diagnosed in July 2000. He lowered my Tapazole in December 2000 to 10 mg. My TSH was low until July 2001 as in March 2001 I resumed Tapazole 15 mg. Two months ago he recommended RAI. Knowing what this meant and how permanent that it was, the following month I asked for a referral to an endo for a second opinion. Mostly because I want peace of mind if I decide for the RAI. I want to be able to say to myself that I did the right thing or at least feel like I did. I have heard much about the good and bad of RAI on this message board. It makes it tough to make my decision,but at least I am aware of the potential problems. I feel comfortable with my family physican and only want to consult with the endo to assist with my decision regarding RAI. I am beginning to experience some eye problems at least with the left eye. Should I consult with an eye doctor regarding this? I am not sure what he could do? Anyway,I want to thank everyone on the message board as it has been a source of support in the ongoing stuggle with Grave’s. I often find myself stating “WHY ME?” Others don’t seem to understand the struggle. I have been tired lately and when I have tried to run lately, my legs have felt like jello or lead. Anyway, I go to see the endo in October. I saw a previous question regarding seeing and endo or a regular doctor. For me I haven’t had any problems, however I can see where a specialist may be able to do more. I guess I will find out. Anyway thanks to everyone for the continued support. My prayers are with you during your continued battle with Grave’s. “That which doesn’t destroy us only makes us stronger.” HOPEE
Sounds like you have a fantastic family doctor. I have had Graves now for going on 3 years, having done Rai in October 99. I am on my second endo and have been with her for a year now. We started out upping my synthroid and feeling so much better, to a year later, I am dragging feel miserable, unhappy (for no reason) and stressed all the time. I called for an appt and saw her 2 weeks later and guess what? My BP was sky high (work has been pretty stressful lately) and apparently my levels were ok, to where she didn’t want to change them. However she increased my BP medicine and thinks I am depressed. My hubby says he thinks she could be right and he would try harder to take better care of me-he has been through so much with this. Anyway I also requested her do an FSH test to see if I am pre-menopausal (46 yrs old) and I now don’t see her for 6 weeks. I am seriously considering finding a family doctor who can treat Graves, so that when I need to see a doctor, I don’t have to wait to get in. I am in terrible shape by the time I call for an appt that I just hate to have to wait and then by the time I get in, I may not be as agitated or weepy as I was when I called for the appt. My gyn doctor was the one who found my Graves and she followed up with my first endo regularly as she referred me there, but I am not getting the new doctor and nurse to get my gyn regular information on me I think she should have. Maybe you can see your family doctor regularly and just the endo once in a while-if need be. I think the specialists are just that, they book so far in advance, there is never an appt open when you need it. Much luck in getting well again. I will be thankful for the day I really have energy again!
I count myself very fortunate when it comes to my family physcian. He seems very confident that he can treat my disease. He also had know problems in referring me to and endo. He did make a referral for me for 3 visits to a specialist (endo). If I need more he said to call him. This message board has also helped me with copying with my disease. Knowing there are others out there fighting the same thing is a comfort. Yesterday, I came home from a run (I exercise at least 6 days per week running 3 miles for 4 of those days) anyway lately I have been feeling tired more than usual and I had difficulting running. My legs felt like lead and I just felt tired. Anyway, I got home and was so upset that it took one little thing and I just blew. I dropped my cell phone on my foot and couldn’t take it anymore. I threw down my pocket book and my sunglasses and just sat down and cried. I had had enough. My husband just backed away and gave me some space, which is what I needed. He has been so good about this although I don’t think he really understands what it’s like. Anyway sometimes it just helps to feel sorry for your self and cry. I felt much better after that. Anyway Thanks to everyone for their comments and support. HOPEE
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