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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Everyone,

    I’m taking my daughter for her endo. appointment on Thurday. I’ve been reading all the messages here on the BB, and doing some research, also. We were suppose to be discussing the date for Hailey’s RAI (sometime this summer), but, I’ve been thinking and thinking, and discussing with Hailey, and my husband. I think we’re going to wait on any RAI, or surgery. Hailey feels GOOD, and, God bless her, she looks GOOD…the PTU is working well, for her, so far….I think we’re going to talk to the endo. about staying on the PTU. She gets her blood work done, often, and see’s her endo. every 4-6 weeks, so I feel like she’s closely monitored. We’re all so very careful to pay close attention to her health, and really LISTEN to what Hailey says. Anyway, I wanted to share this with you all, and I’ll be sure to let you know what her endo. has to say on Thursday…thanks for listening!


    Post count: 93172

    I hope your daughter’s endo appointment went well. You don’t say how long she’s been hyper. I just thought I’d let you know that the first time I had Graves’ I went into remission after 9 months and this remission lasted nearly 10 years. I have just gone into remission again after three years on meds plus a partial RAI in February 98. The partial RAI was a really low dose and it has taken some time to take effect but I am now recovering and starting to feel really well. It is always a good idea to wait a year or two if you can cope on the medication – remission is too good to throw away by taking the RAI or surgery options too soon.

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