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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      I am so glad you posted this experience. This will help so many people. I too have not been intimate with my husband. Just so tired and that’s the last thing on my mind. More recently my husband has been so effectionate and caring, where as before I would just push away. I know what you’re going through. You gave some great advise. Just wanted to thank you. I also printed out the information from this site and asked my family memebers to read it. Since then I think they have been more understanding. Hope things get better for you, contintue to reassure him that you love him and if you were well, things would be different. God be with you, Krist :)

        Post count: 93172

        I just wanted to share with you guys and gals (I am a gal) something that has happened with me; due to having had hyperthyroidism and now that my thyroid has been out since 5/03 and am taking synthroid, my emotional feelings about my husband have been returning but I had still been dealing with thyroid eye disease and without realizing I was pushing him away still. He started playing games & chatting on the PC alot and just in the last few weeks I opened up to him about this. Then just this week someone he had been chatting with (a female) sent him a picture of his truck sitting in our front yard. Well needless to say my emotions have gone a bit overboard!! But what I am trying to say here is that mine (emotions) were so hidden for so long due to this sickness that it took something hard on me to realize how much I do and still love my husband and want things to be close between us and how sorry I am that I pushed him away so often. I just want those of you out there that might be the one on the other end of the stick to not give up on your husband or wife………..that they will return!!!!

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