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  • Anonymous
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    Although this is the first REPORT we have been able to read in black and white that might just confirm an inkling of what we have been going through…..i am sure in the future there will be more…….

    the thing here is that i think the numbers of thirty percent varience and seventy percent varience are TOTALLY UNBELIEVABLE,,,,,,the few drs that i spoke to are humbled by this report and now admit that there might be a reason that people are up and down. and they said we must give priority to newborns and anyone with an underlying heart condition……….they may finally believe us…BUT as far as correcting the situation any faster….they say that the MONEY involved with these drug the most important thing to consider…..because many of our organizations that promote thyroid support are funded by these billion dollar companies……



    As i sit here my problems have taken a back seat to the thoughts of what i should do about this….and how WE could try and get this corrected sooner than the three yrs……should we petition the drug cos, the thyroid groups, the FDA. our congressmen. What????

    I do know that there is a big endocrine meeting next month and a Dr has
    promissed me he would take the report—he told me that no dr was going to find out about this on his own or would it be published….but will they even bring it up at the meeting????

    I dont think so….BUT fax, mail, or write it in stone to your dr and maybe it will come up/////…God, i just swallowed my 112 and wonder……n my heart i know , just from the reactions i got from drs poo pooing my symptoms that MANY MANY patients symptoms went unreported!!!!!!
    I used to consider myself a fairly inteligent person who knew what her body was going through—-**esp us women some how we are more in touch with that—and i let them get the best of me, because i was sick and didnt want to hit a brickwall anymore…..

    I have sent out over one hundred and sixty copies of the report and did so only to keep us informed and know that at one stage of my disease i couldnt have even have read it by myself and wanted to make sure that
    this got to drs and pharmacists- not really because we want to say i told you so…….but at least now they will listen more and question more and realize that this thyroid treatment is not the exact science that they tell us it is when we go for treatment……….

    I dont know if we could start an internet petition to pass on to the FDA, the drug cos.–all of them;; or what???? Any suggestions here would be appreciated…..

    i also want to say i agree with carol…what ever you do dont switch drugs in the middle of the stream it could be worse and i also agree with Carolines dr that no matter what we do it takes ten years to really come back from this -OUR BODIES CAN ADAPT TO ANYTHING.and i can honestly tell you that even though we dont think so or feel well along the way—time passes all too quickly……..

    love ya all….

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