I have been on Synthroid for just 2 weeks. Yesterday, I started getting dry mouth and lips. No matter how much I drink and how much vaseline I put on my lips, they are still are dry. It seems like I have no saliva! It seems internal.
I don’t know if Synthroid causes “dry mouth” but I know Graves disease does. That was one of my earlier symptoms. Had trouble swallowing esp. when out at some function. Always afraid that I would choke in public. Went to an ENT, who by the way did not check my thyroid, just looked in my throat said it was fine and gave my some med SSKI or something like that. Also found out later that SSKI does something to the thyroid.
Yes indeed, dry mouth was an outstanding symptom long before I was diagnosed. My tongue would be literally stuck to the roof of my mouth in the morning, and I would have to put warm water in my mouth to loosen it up. After being diagnosed the doctor said it was because of the rapid heart rate, and I haven’t had the problem since going on PTU and beta blocker.
Many of us have dry eyes because GD has damaged our tear glands, my doc tells me that autoimmune diseases can also affect the saliva as well as sweat glands.
Good Morning everyone!! Just a quick question……I have an extremely dy mouth. to the point where I have small canker sores under the bottom lip inside. Anyone else experience this?? It is most annoying and sometimes gets so bad I have a hard time brushing my teeth cause the toothpaste stings. Thanks LynnthePB from Toronto