Well, my Endo had me switch last Friday to taking my PTU twice a day
instead of thrice. Before he saw my bloodwork (which WAS good). Anyway,
I was fine until the fourth day. WHOA. I got very jittery! I suppose it
is because my TSH was so high (4.6) and was telling my thyroid to spit
out lots of stuff??? Anyway, I was out with the kids all day and it was
rough. The Endo’s office called the next day saying they had tried to
reach me. Seems that due to my bloodwork, he wants to cut down, but
NOT SO FAST. Now he wants me to take 2 one day, 3 the next for a couple of
months. I never thought I’d be soooo happy to take more PTU, but it
has taken a couple of days to get un-hyperized. I was so weird
yesterday, I didn’t even feel like going to the grocery store. I’m taking my 3 a day
and starting the switcheroo on Monday after I’ve recovered to the nice
mellow, human feeling I had before that horrid fourth day.
Before this whole ordeal started, I hated taking even OTC medicine. Now
I’m looking forward to pill-time like a dog waiting for a bone. Funny how
life changes you! Anyhow, I felt like dumping, return to hyper was
a shocker after a few weeks of calm. Glynis