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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Someone (I think it was Steve) asked awhile back if you could be born with this and then I never found an answer….I guess I am lucky with the double vision problem…I’ve had it all my life and my brain has adjusted by only looking through one eye at a time. I never even try (well sometimes I do) to look through both eyes because it’s too frustrating. I am careful to only look through my left eye when I look at other people because my eyes stay straighter. When I look at them with my right eye, my left goes off to look at something else and I look pretty wall eyed. I get other visual clues for depth perception and I wouldn’t know any other way to see. Maybe I’ll forget about LK or RK or PRK for restoring 20/20 vision. It would probably mess me up.


        Post count: 93172

        I have had double vision now for over 7 weeks. I was recently told by a specialist that I have Graves disease. I don’t have any other symptons other than double vision when I look to the left. The nurse at my regular doctor said my blood tests were “{normal)”. The specialist is setting up an appointment for a ORBITAL ULTRA SOUND. Did anyone out there have a similar experience? What do I expect will happen next? I would appreciate any and all input. I am going back to work tomorrow………..

          Post count: 93172


          Welcome to our little world! first, call your doctor and get a copy of your blood test results–it’s your right. That way, you will be one step closer to becoming proactive and having a say in your own care and treatment. Also, is your doctor an endo? Did you ask how much experience they have in Graves’ Disease? These are all questions you have every right to ask of your doctor.

          I am one of the lucky ones with Graves’ Disease but not eye problems other than a little crusty junk in the mornings. I’ve always been nearsighted and had double vision without glasses, so how would I know if it changed?

          There are many knowledgeable people on here and our directors could also refer your questions to competent medical personal (of which they are!).

          We will be here for you and with you. Ask away any time.

          Mitakuye Oyasin

            Post count: 93172

            Hi Ray, Just got to the computer for the first time in several days and read your post. I have Graves Eye Disease and my bloodwork shows in the normal range. I had RAI over two years ago. A year after RAI I noticed having trouble focusing when reading. My GP noticed one eye was starting to bulge and when he sent me to the Ophthalmologist I mentioned the focusing which soon turned into double vision. I have been under the care of the Ophthalmologist ever since with regular appointments and examinations. In my case the problem got worse. Hopefully yours won’t. Every person has different symptoms and reacts differently to treatment with this disease. The important thing is that you are under the care of a good Ophthalmologist who specialises in Graves Eye Disease. E-mail me if you want any further info. Take care. SAS

              Post count: 93172

              My double vision started exactly one year ago this month. I had no other symptoms…Tests proved negative and I was diagnosed as Euthyroid, only my eyes were affected. Double vision is still the same, I’ve had blood drawn every 3 months and no change until this months. The results this time is that my thyroid function is slightly elevated. I have had less energy lately, but not much else. (Except these darn eyes.) I spoke with the doctor on the phone and will be going for a consultation soon. He may put me on medication. That’s all I know for now. Good luck.

              I do a lot of meditation at night with some great tapes. They keep me somewhat relaxed.

                Post count: 93172

                Do any of you ever listen to John Tesh or Yanni? Beautiful, soothing music. Even if you can’t sleep, it relaxes you so much.

                If you can afford new tapes, e-mail me. I am willing to copy mine and mail them to you!


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