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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Lindasue, I know that many people have had difficutly with their weight while dealing with Graves’ and some of that can be caused by medication depending upon what you are taking. In that sense, it is a temporary thing so don’t despair. You don’t say at what point you are in treatment; whether you are on ATDs, thyroid hormone replacement or even steroids. If you are taking steroids, like prednisone, it is very common to develop a more rounded face and belly in particular. It is called, “moon face” by some. This is temporary while taking the steroids to calm eye symptoms and the weight will usually come off after you stop taking it. Otherwise, the very nature of Graves’ causes such fluxuation in hormones etc. that our weight tends to go up and down until things stabilize. I have had only minor weight gain that was temporary and have been luckier than most. I think what helped me keep my weight stable the most was that even when I was diagnosed my diet consisted of no red meat, no sugar, no added salt, and very few processed foods of any kind. I eat lots of vegetables (stir frys!) and pasta and homemade soup, that sort of thing. (My biggest temptation has been sharp cheddar cheese!) I have continued eating this way and being careful to stay away from salty, fatty food in particular because it made my eyes feel much worse. Hope this helps.

    Post count: 93172

    Hello to all on the B.B. I have been reading all the post on the board lately and I haven’t seen anyone speak about having a weight problem. They say that your eyes go through a hot phase ,I’m hoping that this weight has a hot phase too.I know that is wishful thinking on my part. I have been on the computer for 3 days now trying to find something that might help. I have searched diets ,diets, and more diets.Has anyone got a diet plan that really does work that they don’t mind sharing with me .Most of my weight is in my stomach ,face, and my back-end .This 50 lbs. is getting the best of me.I went from a size 7 to size 20 in my clothes. PLEASE HELP.

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