I was wondering if I really need to see an eye specialist. I only seem to have eye problems when my levels are off. I think my levels are almost normal now due to the synthroid. I didn’t even have any eye problems until the RAI. When my levels are off, my eyes are noticably swollen, blurry, and dry. I can’t wear my contacts all day. They are not really bulgy, but my child’s pediatrician said in passing my eyes “had come out” (I really wanted to hear that, lol). We are heavily into debt and I can’t afford to go to another doctor right now. My endo has never mentioned it to me but he hardly talks to me at all anyway, just sends me to lab. I know you recommend going, but is it necessary? What would a specialist do for me when my eyeys are just slightly swollen and dry? Would I be causing harm to my eyes by not going? Is an opthalmolgist covered by insurance?