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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hello warriors,
    I have been having trouble with very dry eyes, sensitivity to the sunlight, easy eye fatigue, and a feeling of limited control when I turn my eyes left and right. I also noticed that turning my eyes is a bit uncomfortable and has been this way for many months. I haven’t really discussed this with my endo. but am wondering if I should and whether or not I should have an opthomologist that specializing in Graves that I could go to. I suspect that all that can be done for me is to purchase some eye drops for the dry eyes and wear sunglasses most of the time outside. Any advice would be very welcome.

    Thanks and wishing everyone Graves symptom-free days!

    Post count: 93172

    Sue, you definitely should get to an Ophthalmologist as soon as you can. They might not be able to do much for you right now but there is the possibility of secondary glaucoma with this that needs to be checked (mine was severe).

    The doctor should take baseline measurements to check on proptosis and schedule you for regular checks.


    Post count: 93172

    Dear Sue,
    Plain and simple get to the eye specialist immediatly. It’s not something to mess with.
    Keep dark shades on outside and some natural eye drops as suggested in the messeges from others.
    Hope U R well soon..Please make a appointment ASAP….

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