where does the profane or obscene come into the messages you removed?….here is what the FAQ says….sounds manipulated to me.
2.15 Anything else I should know?
Due to the manner in which messages are posted on this web site, Support-Group.com and Hensley International, Inc.
assume no responsibility for the content of messages posted here. While we make every effort to remove that which we
deem obscene or profane, we are unable to police the Bulletin Boards 24 hours a day / 7 days a week. As such, you run
the risk of viewing language that you might find offensive. If the potential to view offensive language bothers you, you are
encouraged NOT to view the Bulletin Boards.Support groups are for folks who are in the ravages of disease to get the support thay may not be getting from those around them because their friends and family have not a clue as to what is happening to them. When I came here after first being diagnosed with Graves’ I did not want to read stuff about how research may be able to do stuff in the future. What I wanted was people to help me understand what was happeing to me NOW and what to expect with my chosen course of treatment. I wanted to know what other people were going thru.
Now, it is nice to know there is research out there, being done by folks who know what they are (hopefully) doing. That’s nice, doesn’t help me now and there are places on the net one can go to find that research. Having occasional pointers posted so one can find them is fine, but having the board cluttered with post after post of research stuff gets in the way of being able to get to questions and help for folks needing support right now.
As for how this board is run, remember ALL support groups, whether on the net or run thru a hospital/clinic/government agencie/etc have rules about how people are to conduct themselves. This board is no expection. There are rules posted on the support-group.com on what is acceptable and such. These rules are listed in the FAQ. All support groups will take measures to remove folks who are disrupting the group in order to prove a more supportive environment for the rest of the group members.
Also, this ia a PRIVATE board, not run by some government agency. Archie and Annette don’t HAVE to provide us this space, they do so out of kindness and support for those who have illnesses and such. If anyone doesn’t like the way things are run (and I believe all the facilitators have been doing a wonderful job and have been very patient with the way things have been going. It is tough to run a board and have to deal with the disease at the same time) you have the option of starting your own group elsewhere, run by your own rules. You can set up your own bulletin board if you have the equipment and space some where, or even better yet, you can go to the onelist site and start your own list serve. Then you can discuss things to your hearts content, the way you want to.
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