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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    If my daughter has a diffuse toxic goiter and her tsh levels are low but she does not have any nodules, nor does she test positive for the tsi (graves) antibodie.. does anyone have any ideas what can be going on?

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Cindy,

    From what I understand, a negative test for antibodies doesn’t necessarily mean that your daughter doesn’t have Graves’. I know it sounds weird, but the antibody levels rise & fall for no well-understood reason, so it isn’t always conclusive. For just that reason, many doctors do not rely on the antibody test.

    There is such a thing as thyroiditis, which is an inflammation of the thyroid and usually self-corrects within six weeks. I don’t believe it would have produced the scan results you speak of, but I’ve never known anyone for whom that was the problem.

    Your best source for information at this point will be your daughter’s doctors. What have they told you so far?

    NGDF Assistant Online Facilitator

    Post count: 93172

    The Doctors say the same thing that they beleive it is Graves but do not have the definative diagnosis. but they would treat it as Graves. It is just really hard for me to make a desicion based on that.. I understand that the Thyroid is giving her problems and if not treated can do more damage down the road, so that is why I am leaning toward RAI instead of the ptu or tapazole.. those drugs scare me from the stuff that I have read and there is no guarantee that they will work.. they could actually make things worse. So I am pretty sure we are going with the RAI. Both Dr’s we have gone to say they would do it if it were there children.

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