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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Hi Jake! I have the feeling like now I’ve started something! My home page was my summertime project before school started. It was a great deal of fun, but very time consuming. To tell you the truth I haven’t updated it since August(?). Since then, I’ve had lid retraction surgery and the links for this support group have changed two times! :) Updating that critter will be my Christmas vacation project now. Thanks for the compliments! (blush)

      As for my eyes, the picture on my first page was taken about a year before Graves’. It’s one of those glamour shots that I did for my husband for Christmas. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think my looks would change that fast. Now I’m more *mature* looking with graying hair and sleepy eyes. Actually, the picture on my husband’s homepage is a post-decompression, post-eye muscle surgery, and post-lid retraction picture. The picture-taker caught me at the right moment.

      I’ll gladly share my story and my home page address, if I can visit other people’s pages also. Addresses, anyone! :)

      Correction to the address:

      Enjoy! Debby

        Post count: 93172


        Belive it or not I just now got around to checking out your homp page. I was
        reading back massages as I do some times and noticed your home page when we were
        discussing crying during songs. Seems so long ago doesn’t it? Anyway your home
        page is first rate. For those of you who have missed the address it is I recommend it, good story about Graves and good lookin
        husband and cute dogs. Annette has bugged me before about a home page. May Have
        to do it. And Debby ?!? Hubba Hubba!! Did your eyes go back to looking like they
        did in the picture on your home page (That’ll get em looking Debby). Mine have
        pretty much gone back to looking like they did before. Just a slighly surprised
        look. Talk to you later.


          Post count: 93172

          Hi Debby,
          I have a home page as well that I would love to have you visit. It includes a short section on GD.
          another Debbie :)

            Post count: 93172

            duh, I kinda forgot the address (you know about GD and momory loss)

              Post count: 93172

              Debby: I just read your homepage, its really great and neat as anything to meet someone who’s out in Montana, I’m from the Washington, DC area. It seems like you’ve survived Graves Disease pretty well and are on with your life. I just have one question – is life all rosy after you get your synthroid adjusted to level. Currently my TSH level is 2.1 but am still having fluid problems and muscle problems and my weight is out control went from 130 to 190. Is this a lifetime thing or maybe my level is a little off? Anyway, the real question is – is everything well with you now? Do you have any residual symptoms. Thanks for Your Help in Advance. Sue.

                Post count: 93172


                THANKS, KITTY

                  Post count: 93172

                  Lets see, a round about way is to go to Dianne’s page at Dianne has a link to it there.


                    Post count: 93172

                    thanks bruce, but i can’t seem to connect. i might be doing something
                    wrong as i am new to the net. but thanks anyway.


                      Post count: 93172

                      Hi Kitty! Welcome to the BB! I guess I would be the most logical person to give you the URL for my home page. :) Type in or copy/paste in: in the location portion of your browser window and hit return. I’m on a Mac, so it may be different for you PC people out there. Enjoy your visit and email me if you have questions.

                      Take Care, Debby

                        Post count: 93172

                        thanks debby. enjoyed your page and will visit again.

                          Post count: 93172

                          Bruce — if you still have the link to Dianne’s page on your web site, will you post that address, please? I cannot get my computer to go directly to it, either (like Kitty). The one time I did find it was when I was browsing through your building of boats in the desert. Perhaps Kitty (and I) could get to it that way. I forgot to bookmark it. Dumb.


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