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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I have only been reading the BB for two weeks now and I have to say that it has really helped me understand what is going on with me. I also use it as a way to relaxe and deal with this. I have met alot of kind and caring people in a very short time. I think all this debating is really taking away from the point of the board. It just puts more stress on understanding and learning.

    Post count: 93172

    I usually don’t say anything to anyone but this time is different.

    All of us who use this BB are here for education and support as we
    need it. No one has made us come to this page and no one has said
    what is the right treatment for any one. Just alot of very good
    guidence towards education to make safe, healthy choices for our own
    individual needs. Shame on anyone for knocking down a system that is
    being run by people volunteering their valuable time and energies to
    help others. Rather than these on-line facilitators getting a hard
    time from certain people they should be getting praised for all that
    that have done.

    What I’m trying to say is that if you don’t like what you’re reading
    Bite Your Lip and move on.


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