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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    My son also has Grave’s. I have a meeting with my school district on Monday where I am trying to get my son into a developmental delayed type of school. I have searched long and hard to find out as much on how Grave’s will effect him when he is in school to provide to this board( he is 2 and not in school yet). My doctors are stating that as long as his numbers are in a normal range there should be NO effects on the child in school. I have not be able to find any documentation on this area however every parent I have had contact with has stated their child has had school/learning problems. If you are able to gather any information, I would love it if you could pass it along. There are many parents out there that are facing the same situations/emotions and knowing your not along makes a world of difference. From a parent of a “little warrior”…….

    Post count: 93172

    mlcaca, I have some info about how Graves’ can cause learning difficulties. Please send me a personal email and I will send you the info pronto. I am a learning disabilities teacher and am also very familiar with the multi-age classroom (3th-4th together).


    Post count: 93172

    My 9 yr old daughter was diagnosed with Graves this spring. Our first alert as to something wrong was that she failed a standardized test and of course some of the other symptoms. After doing some research (thank goodness for this board and the parents I’ve talked with), Graves can cause learning problems. I know the diagnosis itself does not warrant a learning disability. This fall our school will have a split 3rd and 4th grade and one 4th grade. I’m concerned for my daughter to be in the split class because of her short attention span and short memory. I have a meeting with the principal next week and would like to go with as much information on this disease in children as I can. But as you all know, there isn’t much out there on Graves and it’s effect on children. If anyone out there can provide me with any material or resources that I can take to the meeting with me I would greatly appreciate it. Before we knew the problem was Graves, she was tested for ADD which showed she didn’t have that. But I know the Graves has resulted in her not being able to retain information, easy frustration, etc. Sorry for the long post, but I am DESPERATE for help. Thank you.

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