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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Try this cure for night sweats that my acupuncturist told me about.
    Drink at least four glasses of water before noon. Never drink ice
    water, drink room temperature water.

    I began to get night sweats years before menopause really started,
    and I found this habit works.

    Post count: 93172

    I was diagnosed with hyperactive thyroid in May 1998 and had radio active treatment in September, 1998. Since that time I have been on Synthroid and doing OK. However, about three months ago, my right eye started swelling (eyelid and below the eye) with lots of tearing and itching. I thought I had an infection and went to my Optometrist. He found nothing; my M.D. ran all kinds of alergy test with all coming out
    negative; then back to my endo. and being told that my harmone level is up again. The MRI revealed that I have Grave’s Orbitopathy. By now both eyes are affected. I took the long way around – but does any of you have the dreaded night sweats? I wake in the middle of the night drenched and literally starving to death – to the point I’m shaking. Any advise on this?

    Post count: 93172

    I know where you are coming from with night sweats ! Theya re terrible , and for the eyes mine are starting to get puffy every now and again , but my Dr says that i have a mild case ! The hungry at night wow i know all about that , i always sleep walked ( and ate) i never gained weighed, i am very lucky so far. i am going for second opinion hopfully soon. I hope all goes well for you, And did you have reaction to the RAI ?

    Post count: 93172

    I had night sweats when I was hyperthyroid. I thought I was having peri-menopausal “hot flashes” but my endo told me that it was a result of hyper levels of thyroid hormone, and they went away as my thyroid hormone levels normalized. It could be one, or the other, in your case (or maybe something else) depending upon your age.

    Bobbi — NGDF Asst. ONline Facilitator

    Post count: 93172

    i wish i read this before i posted my message. Were your eyelids also red and blotchy and hot and burny. Mine were and then my eyes started but with allergy drops they are already improving (2 days). I am wondering if i don’t have what you ahve, what does that mean for you now did htey tell you?

    I had night sweats for years before being diagnosed, most often in the last months before. I woudl also be starving in the morning, i am fine now that i had treatnment and am on synthroid. Maybe it is just your levels.

    Post count: 93172

    I was diagnosed with graves in November. I have been taking tapazol and atenolol religiously for a month and sporadically before that. My heart rate and high blood pressure are mellowing out. But all of a sudden I am having serious night sweats again. I havent had them since January. I’ve had them for 5 nights in a row. Has this happened to anyone. Does the medicine somtimes not work? I dont want to do the radioactive iodine. Anyone know about alternative treatments? Do people sometimes just go into remission?

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