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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      I was wondering if anyone else had high CPK (creatine phosphokinase) blood levels during their hyperactive state. Some labs don’t include this test in a blood profile, but I just found out that it is an important indicator of heart and muscle damage. My CPK in Sept was
      750 U/L compared to a range of 0-225! Sounds pretty bad to me.



        Post count: 93172

        I would think it unusual that many people would also have this level
        checked unless they were uncertain of diagnosis. Also wouldn’t worry
        re this as it is just showing that muscles are being over stimulated or
        over taxed so to speak. One of symptoms of hyper is weak muscles. I
        remember leaning over to help someone and my muscles in calves would
        always shake. So if my CPK was done it would’ve showed high also.
        Therefore it is not an unexpected blood test result and doesn’t mean
        your heart is in trouble as it would show in the thousands if a person
        who had a heart attack.

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