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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Sallie,

    It is not good to wait long for postponing treatment. You can ask your doctor to place you on ATD’s (anti-thyoid drugs) till you feel comfortable with a decision. Take your time and learn as much as you can.

    As a suggestion, you have two other options besides RAI, which are: trying antithyroid drugs and thyroid surgery.
    Ask your doctor to explain to you thoroughly the pros and cons bsed on your individual case so you have a good understanding. Read as much as you can so when it comes time you do not need to second guess yourself. On the top of the screen the NGDF, (click on the green icon )
    has some great info such as; frequently asked questions and also some good websites and book recommendations. A personaal best of mine is Sara Rosenthal– Thyroid Sourcebook. It is available in libraries and can be bought for about $8.00.

    Keep asking questions and know you have other options.
    Also know we are here for you.

    Good luck to you.
    Dee. NGDF, Asst. online facilitator

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