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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172


      I don’t know what’s going on with me…perhaps someone can help me interpret my symptons and tests. Six years ago I was diagnosed with Graves disease. I took PTU for 3 months and went into remission until now. In August I became symptomatic and still am. I have an increased appetite, slight tremor, rapid pulse, nervouseness. I decided to try unconventional treatment with my chiropractor who practices TBM (total body modification). Here’s where I’m at: On 9/8 I had a T4 reading of 23.4 and a free T4 of 10.8. I went to an endriconologist. I retook the blood test and it was: T3 RIA 356, T4 18.5, Free T4 7.5 and TSH 00.01. On 12/13 I had a RIA uptake scan and it was 22. I feel as does my chiropractor that I am improving but I am very symptomatic. He would like me to retake the blood test? and continue treatment with him. I’d like to get rid of these symptons but don’t know just what to do??? The doctor at the hospital said maybe take PTU short term again, my chiropractor says “No”. I’m going to go back now to the endriconolgist and I’m more confused than when I started seeking help. I have also begun to gain weight again. I don’t know if it’s because I’m getting better or I’m just eating lots (which I am). I would appreciate any opinions. The doctor at the hospital who read my scan said it probably isn’t Graves???now what???


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