I came down with a terrible sore throat/cough and sinus head cold
this weekend. I think my adorable little grandson passed it on to
me. I called my Endo to find out what I could take for it and he
said – check out the over the counter medicines available and READ
the labels. These meds have warning labels on them that state they
should not be taken if you have thyroid disease. When in doubt –
talk with the pharmacist.
As one of the 99.9% of the BB posters/readers that enjoys/needs
the NGDF BB – I would like to personnaly thank all of the many facilitators, as well as the readers/posters for all of the insight,
education and support I have received since I found you. Imay not
always agree with everything posted here and I certainly don’t think
that everyone agrees with everything I post either. Just accept every
non-threatening thing I have to post and expect the same from me.
Off my soap box now (yes, I tripped). Aloha …Pat