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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Hi SHY

      Getting off of the prednisone got me a bit nutso at times, weird stuff. After I was off of them, I did have some adrenal problems for a while. If I did something exciting (surfing kayaks at the time for instance) my heart would start racing and it would take 45 minutes or so to slow down. I never had this explained to me why this was happening tho.


        Post count: 93172

        Claudia: Many thanks your informed views on phasing. I am indeed anxious
        to get off steroids since I managed to accrue just about every side
        effect possible. I understand that slower phasing is more important as
        lower levels are reached, and this relates to the need for the adrenal
        glands to turn back on. Would you have any further information on this
        or Addison’s disease more generally in the context of steroid use?
        Also, thanks for sharing your diet. Will try it early next week — perhaps
        I can get my old face back yet.

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