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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Ruble,
    In January,1998, I had severe pain behind the left eye and it was stuck in one position. Communication with my doctor was nil. For months he and his nurses thought it was psychosymatic because they couldn’t see anything wrong with my eye. I then went to an opthamologist and he saw I had Graves. He explained what it was and he called my doctor back and was told that I could see my doctor immediately. well, 21 month later I could see him. That was my last visit with him. My test for the thyroid showed within normal range according to him so he still didn’t believe I had it. Don’t waste time with a doctor you feel uneasy with and doesn’t listen. Needless to say, my new doctors are specialists and it can happen having normal range on test. All 3 tested and measured my eyes and all agree that I have Graves. Everything is moving along fine nowafter 1 year. It takes time and patience along with a good sense of humor to keep going sometimes, but We see light at the end of the tunnel now. @ of the doctors have recommended eye irradiation for me. The 3rd doctor I wilkl see in June. All three will confer with each other and my husband and I. Don’t let anyone make you feel inadequate. Learn to ignore even if it’s family and friends. They may be that way due to lack of education about Graves and the thyroid problems involved. I hope that your treatment helps and good luck. Dottie

    Post count: 93172

    Well…saw new endo today. Don’t know what to think – did get a change of medication, though. Since I have a history of heart disease in my family, doc doesn’t think high cholesterol has to do with Graves. Also thought feeling of coldness, heavy periods, fatigue, weak muscles, weight gain dry skin, etc. has anything to do with Graves since my blood work is within the “normal” range. Does any one else feel like me? He reduced my thyroid hormone and is adding triiodothyronine (T3). Will let you know how that works out. I have been diagnosed with Graves for almost 9 years and have had my ups and downs. It’s a constant fight with doctors to listen to my symptoms and not necessarily the blood work. This endo seemed to listen and was willing to try something different. Hope it works.

    Post count: 93172

    I’ve heard that GD may effect one’s cholesterol level.
    Mine has always been normal, but with my dramatically
    increased consumption of eggs and meats (some of the
    few foods I can eat now), I am wondering if anyone has
    had a problem with it.

    Mahalo (thanx)! …Pat :)

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