I know of NO valid studies which have shown that Chinese herbology or acupuncture will cure our over-active thyroids. Acupuncture and herbology can help us, a LOT, with the symptoms, but as far as I know, they do not LOWER the levels of thyroid hormone in our bodies. And those high levels of thyroid hormone ARE the problem. The tremors, the heart palpitations, can be alleviated by a variety of means, and give us a false sense of “getting better”, but if the hormone levels stay high we are in deadly peril.
Prior to the development of modern , Western allopathic treatments for Graves, the mortality rate from the disease was quite high. Some people did live, but somewhere around fifty percent did not. Those that survived, did not necessarily wind up healthy, either. They spent years taking herbs, being sedated, getting bed rest. But they were not able to lead healthy, productive lives. It is a dangerous, and debilitating disease for which there are good treatments now. So, by all means, use alternative concepts to help you feel better, but do not substitute them for effective treatments that will get you well.
NGDF — Asst. Online Facilitator