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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I’ve just gotten far enough with Network Associates for protection against this virus to find out we’ve been misled somewhat. It’s only a 30-day free trial. (That’s what they call free. Misleading I’d say.) I’m in the dark as much as you probably are. CNN Interactive has changed it’s site since I was on it earlier today, and there are a couple of other sites to go for protection. If I can’t download anything for free, I will go to an electronics store this weekend.

    Sorry if I confused anyone. I’m confused myself. That doesn’t take much these days anyway. LOL


    Post count: 93172

    I was just into CNN Interactive, and they told of a serious virus, which is slated to hit mostly personal computers Monday, April 26. It’s called Chernobyl virus, because of the anniversary of the Russian nuclear accident. They said it can wipe out all data on a PC hard drive, and even make it impossible to start up. If you aren’t adequately prepared, you can downloan an anti-virus program free from Network Associates. This will only work on Windows 95 & 98. Click on the “Action Security” circle. I hit “Download Tips,” because I wasn’t sure what I was doing. Good thing too, because I don’t have zip. It tells you were to go to download that too. (I don’t have time for that right now. Got to pamper myself my going to the beauty parlor. LOL) Anyway, that’s as far as I’ve gotten. Your guess is as good as mine from here. As serious as it sounds, I thought you should all be made aware. We don’t want to lose each other.


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