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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi all!
    So wonderful to see everyone still so active here and helping each other out.

    On a bright note: I’ve been steady now for over a year, back working very hard and feeling pretty good about it (except for the normal stuff). And my partner and I finally tied the knot. While on holiday in Australia we got married on the beach. It was perfect. We’re very happy and with all the help I received through this BB, we made it through a very tough year and are now looking forward to a time soon when we can start a family. I know there will be things to be wary of, but I know that if I need info you’re all here for me and that just makes me feel so good!

    So thanks to all of you who I’ve read about and who have shared so openly here. And to any of you who are still experiencing the difficulties of this frusterating disease, I pray that you will feel well soon and become as happy as you are helpful.

    Kindest regards
    Carol Anne

    Post count: 93172

    Carol Anne:

    We don’t know each other because I am a newby here, but Congratulations on all your good news.

    You know, come to think about it, last Saturday, I was just 2 weeks post RAI and I went to a friends for dinner. Had a Chinese meal with shrimp in it. Approximately 2 hours later, my thyroid swelled up, my throat was sore and nothing helped. Then, about 20 minutes later, I was back to what is normal right now for me. Never thought of the shrimp and the iodine. Guess I am going to have to rethink my way of living in a lot of diffrent areas.

    Thanks to everyone on this BB and again, Carole Anne, congratulations!


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