They were very nice and after the third one i talked to i found someone who had read the summary of the fda report….
to make a long story really short…..he said he would welcome calls or letters from consumers and from a marketing stand point the co knows that it could only be beneficial to be the first to submit to the fda but he said that we should also write to the fda to get them to move and gave me an exaple that it takes nine to ten yrs to have a new drug aproved… anyway,……
his name is Tom DeDeo he is in the synthryoid information area and he can be reached by calling the toll free no in the prev post or write in care of him to
Knoll Pharmacutical Co
3000 Continental Dr
Mt Olive , N J 07828-1234
he said this was all brought to light by the study done on generic vrs name brand issue……..and hopefully it will come to a close before the three yrs time….he tried to reassure me that they have the highest standards of consistancy, etc……
i told him no one is after any indiv co here but as consumers of the drug
all we want are corrections to the problems with this drug…..
once again i am not edorsing or knocking any one co here or their products………