It is easier than we think…. first i called the local hospital pharmacy and got the name and number of the local rep for the drug i take that is synthroid from Knoll…..called and left a message….he returned my call this eve. from home….
I asked him if he was aware of the fda report and before i could finish he told me that they def have no consistancy problems…tha the problem is with the generic….i had to stop him almost three times to get him to listen that the fda said that it was both genetic and name brand products …then he still went on to say that they pride themselves because their drug is highly regulated…and he guarunteed me that it had no problems but……
by the time i was finished making him listen he wanted a copy of the report and i faxed him one….i told him to take his time reading it and call me tom……he also gave me a number of the Knoll medical line where you can have any medical concerns answered…in case anyone is interested…it is a toll free number,1-888-446-8430….
he said they call these drugs LT 4 ‘S AND was aware that they had to be submitted as new drugs but knew nothing of the thirty or seventy percent varience………he said if that were the case then the patients symptoms could be pretty severe….duhhhhhhhh????????
He also told me that there are about four other companies that mfg levothyroxine sodium…..but did not give me names…….
Also the local hosp pharmacy told me that all of a sudden they now have to refridgerate armour thryoid and they never had to before ….because of a consistancy problem….for the interest of anyone on it……
will write more tommorrow after he calls me……..
I am only writing about the drug that i take and am in no way knocking or endorsing one or another……