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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Hi, I’ve been doing very well on PTU, my thyroid levels are all normal, my pulse is 66 to 76. My blood pressure medication had been changed back months ago, to one that would be safe for a person with asthma. It protected my heart, but wasn’t really as effective as my old medication for BP, so, last week, when I stepped on a nasty little nail, I trucked off to the doc’s to get a tetanus shot and change my bp meds too, since I haven’t had any evidence of asthma for a long time now. It coincided with me reduceing my PTU levels as per instructions: so I had a tetanus shot, a reduced PTU, and a new BP medicine all at once. My heart rate jumped up to 100 for several hours that day, I got all panicked was I getting hyper again, and about the time that I got good and worked up over it, a matter of a few hours, it all went back to normal again. I really had a sore leg from the nail, but tonight I’m heading off to Mambo class, so you can tell it’s no longer so serious. Anyone have any ideas science about what might have been happenig? Haven’t been able to find any info beyond the general about PTU, it it too old a drug to be listed in the PDR (like, if it is an old drug, they don’t list it and the drug interactions all go away? )

      Was anyone else cautioned not to take iodine PTU? My doc said no shrimp, salt in most any form, and to also avoid swimming in chlorinated water, as chlorine, flourine, and iodine are so similar that any one can prevent the PTU from working. I do ocasionally go into the whirlpool at the spa, tho. Anybody care to share PTU info? I have the print out sheet from the drug store, but that is really skimpy information.K

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