Any mothers who are asking their doctors about breast feeding
their children whilst on any medications of *any* sorts should ask
about previous drug trials;
When were they?
Who did the trials?
What books did the doctor take his information from?
How old are the children now on the trials?
Are the children still being monitored?
How are your children going to be monitored?
How long do you expect them to monitor your child?
Can they put you in touch with other mothers in the same circumstances?
This is the age of computers people and all of these questions should
be answered quickly so that we can pass information between ourselves
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##### /##### ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#######{}####### My consultant said it was a little
########{}####### butterfly shaped gland in my neck
####### {}####### I didn’t know butterflies could cause
##### {} ###### such a flutter!
#### {} #### ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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