This is just a theory. I don’t have the problem, and I’m sure those of you who do have it have a much better perspective on the problem than I. So just take this for what it’s worth.
I used to baby-sit for a friend who had this problem. When the baby was born, the doctor cut too deep during the episiotomy. (I’d love to see the looks on the faces of the men when they read these posts. LOL) The doctor cut the sphincter, which is the muscle that controls your bowels. They performed surgery and corrected the problem. I’m sure none of you need surgery. My theory is that GD causes muscle weakness, and it may be causing your sphincter muscle to be too weak to hold back your stool. I assume once you are leveled out, that should correct itself.
BTW, I went to the doctor Tuesday and my heart rate was 66. It hasn’t been normal since I’ve been sick. I should hear today about my blood test results. Hopefully, this second RAI did the trick.
Good luck to all of you with the bowel problem.