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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172


    I have never been crazy about having the needle stuck in my arm.
    My right arm bend has like 50 trillion calcium deposits in it
    and my veins are small. What has worked for me getting the blood
    test is to discuss it to dealth before they stick the needle in
    and I point out the spot in my left arm that usually works.

    I figure it is my arm they are poking and to top it off I can’t
    watch them do it! LOL Part of my discussion before they do it is
    for me to tell them that they have to tell me everything again,
    like when to make a fist and when to let go etc……

    My reality check tells me if it hurts they did something wrong.
    When you go in for your next blood test you might want to share
    your feelings and bad experience with the technician before they
    stick the needle in. If the person seems hesitant you could ask
    that another tech take your blood. I have done that before too.
    Sometimes the newer techs aren’t so confident about what they
    are doing.

    Good Luck chicken little. <g>
    Michele B. :)

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