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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Chicken Little!!

    Cute name!! The bruising may be worse because of your graves disease. Have you ever asked the lab tech to use…I think it’s called a “butterfly”? The prick is smaller, I find it much more comfortable.


    Post count: 93172

    You’ve chosen a cute name as an alias. That person who drew your blood should find another line of work. I have never had a blood draw like that – & if I did – I would have done what you did. Course you have to go back somewhere. Be strong & Good Luck!

    Post count: 93172

    I sure know what you’re talking about! I haven’t given blood
    since they used “the square needle” on me — the Red Cross nurse
    actually hit a valve and “felt around” with the needle to get
    through it. I had a bruise similar to the one you’re describing,
    and I was also told that’s just the way it would be. To top it
    off, I have “inviso-veins” that no one can see very well. I had
    a hard time having an IV when I needed to induce labor with
    my first child, ended up having to get a specialist who could
    get it done effectively. Now, with this, I’ve had blood drawn
    at least 4 times for tests and (luckily) had very kind people
    who knew what they were doing. I found that warning them about
    previous occasions helped them to be more successful, and it
    also seemed to make them more compassionate & helpful toward me.
    Speaking up is better than ignoring your levels!

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