Up until I got Graves’ you couldn’t get me within 30 miles of a needle (severly phobic. The only phobia I have that is stronger is of spiders). Graves’ kinda cured my of the needle phobia. Now in my years of getting stuck, I have found there are folks who border on the sadistic, but some folks I found are somewhat inexperienced when it comes to taking blood (I had one woman stick me at least 10 times in each arm before calling a supervisor). It is a good thing you found another lab to work with. What you need to do is go in and talk with the folks who will be doing the blood draw and tell them your concerns and why you are nervous about getting your levles drawn again. Do this on a day when you aren’t getting stuck. If could be your veins are hard to find and it will take a special touch. The problem I have now is my veins don’t want to be found, so I have to have the blood drawn from the back of my hand using a child’s butterfly needle. Not only does it hurt less, I don’t quite have the bruising I usually got on my arms. You may ask about having a smaller needle used, it takes a little longer to get the right amount of blood, but I prefer it.