Hi All,
Still trying to get leveled off on these Beta Blockers, nothing really drastic but my Endo left me on 10mg 4 x a day for now then said to keep my eye on the blood preasure when it comes down then go to 3 a day, for a week then 2 a day ect. so last night I just was extreemly tired and took my blood preasure it was 110 over 53 then I got a heart palp. about 10-20 later so took it again and it was up to 130 over 75, all laying down and only after the heart palp did it go back up, pulse stays between 60-80. Yesterday I had a EKG, the GP wanted to do that for the Heart Palps. anyway has anyone had anything that just wouldn’t stay at a certain place seems like I just go up and down, don’t know if I should call him again or just write everything down and wait until I see the Endo.? Thanks :~)
Blessings, Sally