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  • Kimberly
    Post count: 4294

    Hi Kelli – Welcome to the boards! Hopefully, others who have been through RAI will chime in with their experiences. In the meantime, you might check out snelsen’s post on this page which is titled "HOW TO TAKE SYNTHROID…" There are certain "best practices" to follow in order to ensure that the replacement hormone is properly absorbed by the body.

    Feel free to ask questions here or to jump in on any of our other "conversations"!

    Post count: 1

    Hello all–
    I had my RAI treatment in October of 2009, and, as expected, dipped into hypo territory soon thereafter. The problem is that now, 10 months later, my levels are still not regulated. I started at 50 mcg of Synthroid…. I’m now up to 200. I’m taking it as directed, and while my levels are coming up (and this dose may have done the trick… I’m two weeks out from my next appointment), I’m concerned with the severity of the drop in levels. My endo also seems quite surprised, but has not ordered further testing. Is this extreme swing normal?

    Thanks so much!!

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