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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      How long does it take for beta blockers to really be effective? My dosage was upped to 4X a day
      on Friday but my pulse still isn’t any lower. I was on Xanax first for the anxiety, in low dosages,
      for a couple of months and the doctor said “just stop taking it.” Now I’m wondering if the
      withdrawal from this is what is keeping my pulse up. Anyone have any experience with this?

      Thanks. Glynis

        Post count: 93172

        Hi everyone. Thank you all for answering. I wasnt on xanax but a couple /three weeks. I still dont have any but am feeling very good last two days. Saturday night I thought I was gonna die and Sunday and Monday morning I felt good enough to walk/ jog two miles and ride my bike for 4 miles.
        Isnt this a crazy world? I know I will have nights like that again and it concerns me that I wont be able to do anything about it.
        It would be nice to know that when I am feeling that way I have something to take to slow me down. I wonder if I keep on exercising<when I can> if I will continue to feel good?
        Takin it as it comes…

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