Wow, Ann–you really have been through a rough time! I can sympathize, since I remember how BAD I felt when my thyroid died (a preview of HELL, perhaps????) [LOL], but I was certainly never as ill as it sounds like you have been.
How long until you will be okay? That’s a hard one to answer. Your thyroid may not be totally gone. It can continue to die out more for a period of several years. Then again, it might stay like it is right now for awhile, in which case you can be stabilized on replacement hormone fairly quickly. Once you’re on the SAME replacement dose for several months, you should be feeling pretty good again. If you’re not feeling considerably better in a few weeks and your doctor isn’t monitoring your levels closely, please don’t wait to get your blood tested anyway. [If I’d waited until my next appointment to have my blood tested every time I was feeling bad, it would have gone much worse than it did.]
Best wishes,
Dianne W