HA! You crack me up! And I agree 100% with you when you say words are important. We all have to watch that, cuz it’t like the words come out your mouth and they go in the direction you send them. Ya gotta watch that negative energy. Yup, guess you can tell I’m a flower child myself…lived in Haight Ashbury in ’67!!! Seriously, it’s important to take charge of your life. How about “partner” rather that victim? Better yet, why label it at all? Ok, now I’ll sound like Pollyanna and tell you I consider (MOST of the time) Graves to be one of the best things that ever happened to me. I eat really good foods, I exercise everyday, I meditate more, and I’m forced to accept myself the way I look, cuz what can you do about it? Also, I’ve learned to take better care of myself. Sometimes I have to nap; it just is that way. Do I lose this sometimes?…you betcha!!!!That’s why I have signs around my house. THINK POSITIVE…BE GENTLE…MEDITATE!!..etc…yeah, I’m pretty weird, but I’m beginning to like it. After all, Budda’s first noble truth is “life is suffering”. Once you accept that you can get on with the business of living. All that said….this bb has been great for me, cuz it’s easier to be understood that be alone. I don’t hear that much victim stuff..I hear people trying to help each other. I think it’s a great idea. Was all this to weird? If I get alot of grief I’m gonna change my name!!!