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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Today was Dr. visit day. Recommendation is an
    “atomic cocktail” … anybody willing to tell me
    The one thing I don’t understand is why some people
    have to have more than one dose???
    I’d appreciate lots of responses .. I want to know about the
    side effects, loss of work, how you handle being with your
    family, pets, etc.
    Thanks in advance to all that respond.

    Post count: 93172

    Dear Joann,
    I am just about to take my second dose. The reason is the first dose didn’t work all the way. My levels only went down 30 points and they are still 3 times as high.
    As far as the side affects are concerned the day after my treatment I could not get out of bed but after that I was o.k. It takes about 6 weeks to see any results.
    My poor boyfriend couln’t take my mood swings so I had to move away from him. I have yelled at my mother and brothers but they are trying to be understanding.
    If you have any more questions feel free to write me here or at my e-mail
    Good luck and let me know how you are doing.

    Post count: 93172

            The Doctor’s will normally give a dose between 12 AND 24 milicuries (that is a measurement
    of radiation). Sometimes it is better to under shoot the dosage. Less side effects, quicker recovery
    and in the case of radiation the lesser amount you can get by with the better. So sometimes two doses
    are needed. You will have to keep away from childern (at least eight feet) and about four feet away
    from your family. Eat on throw away plates and utensils. Flush the toilet four times after each use.
    You will be out of work about four to seven days depending on the dose. Give me a call if you any
    questions. Ph 407-254-9719. I will return your call collect.
    Jake George

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