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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    How old was she if she received I 131 in the 50’s? I, too, received
    radioactive treatment in the fifties and now am very sick. But if she
    is only in her fifties now, she must have been very young then.
    It is critically important that she contact me to compare notes as
    we may tbe the only two who have found each other.
    Please click on the green NGDF icon and contact me from the info you will
    find there. Please call, write or email me immediately.
    Thanx to this BB.
    Joan Ryan

    Post count: 93172

    I am not from there, but there has been quite a bit here in the papers about the same thing happening here in the 50s. I will do a little research at the paper and TV station and see what I can find for you.

    Tell you friend that we are all praying for her! And tell those idiots that said she knew what she was getting into, the oldest she would have been was maybe 14 or 15 then. Like any 14 or 15 year old can know what they are doing!


    Post count: 93172

    I have a friend in desperate need of anyone who can give her information regarding the I131 series of tests that were done in the 1950’s. She had extremely high dosages since everything was experimental there. She has not been able to work since then and is currently in her late 50’s. She is not able to obtain any records of how much was given to her. They say it was experimental and she knew the risks!! I’m sure she knew within a year after she would get breast cancer and a whole host of other things. She is from Michigan and would like to correspond with anyone that has gone thru the same experimental tests.

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