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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Is it a side effect of levothyroxine, or is it from not being on quite the RIGHT dose of levothyroxine? Actually, it sounds more like you caught a bug. . .??


    Post count: 93172

    I am not sure what you mean by dosage. Is it because of too much (or too low) dosage???? I was feeling OK (apart from feeling cold and a slow pulse) before taking levo. I am OK now except that poor tasteless tongue. Maybe a good way to lose weight. LOL.


    Post count: 93172


    Here is a new one to add to my collection of side effects of levothyroxine. My sense of taste is gone! Now, I cannot eat anything Food tasts awful. The taste of milk is worse! It began late last week. Then over the weekend, I had a very severe attack of diarrhea, then experienced feeling really COLD (it feels like -30 F and had to have many blankets!, and finally the next day, I woked soaking really wet. Yes, very wet. Have any of you experienced this weird attack?? I was too chicken to go to the emergency department. I am not one that runs to a doctor quickly… I am OK now and am avoiding food. Just simple plain food for now. I would like to hear your experiences. Thanks. Belinda

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