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      Post count: 93172


      just wondering if anyone else is pregnant too. I have been diagnosed in the last few months and as they told me it would make me temporarily infertile we of course didn’t worry about making babies! Now find out I am pregnant too so doctors are thinking whether I should take MMI or PTU. Eyes starting to feel a bit sore too so best do something quick. My endo has told me I have a 25% chance of miscarrying – does anyone know about this?



        Post count: 93172

        I am not pregnant now, but I was a year ago. Number one there is a chance of miscarrage with or without graves disease, so dont let that discourage you. I had taken PTU my entire pregnancy, and had no problems at all. I was on 200 mg a day which is safe. I will stress this as I have in the past, as long as your levels are carefully monitored and you have your blood work done and the medicine is in a safe dosage range you will be ok. You have a child growing inside of you that needs you to be healthy in order for it to stay healthy. Be positive everything will be fine.

          Post count: 93172

          Hi Helen!
          I’m pregnant. I was diagnosed in 1996 so I’ve been living with this disease for sometime. My levels are slightly elevated according to my last test on the 5th April(T4 about 34), but my doctors here don’t seem that worried.. Don’t know if that’s good or bad and my regular doctor hasn’t seen fit to send me for another blood test this month so I’m not sure what’s going on. Perhaps I should change doctors. I’ve been thinking about that for sometime now. He’s not that great a communicator and impossible to reach. He didn’t tell me I needed to bring a urine sample to the gyno-specialist when I went or even what the specialist was going to do. He did an internal ultrasound at 8 weeks and everything looks great! Baby is a good size and all the necessities are accounted for so far. Here’s a strange thing. I had a blood test for my T4 and things around March 3 around the date of conception. My TSH levels were untracable. I didn’t think I could get pregnant with untracable levels of TSH. I didn’t think I was ovulating. I had tried years ago to get pregnant but had no luck. Had been off the pill for about a year, and BINGO! Seems the human body’s need for reproduction is enormous. Good luck and hope things go as well for you as they have been for me!!

            Post count: 93172

            Hi Cazzie

            Great to hear that all is going well. Like you, I’d been told I couldn’t get pregnant so my husband and I didn’t worry about contraception! What do you know? Our children will now be 22 months apart in age but that is fine with me, rather than being faced with fertility problems.

            I hope it all continues to go well for you. Are you on any meds? I am having weekly blood tests so feeling like a real pin cushion but my numbers are looking good.



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