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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    hi! i’m nwly diagnosed with graves and had a total thyroidectomy 3 weeks ago.i am still having symptoms of hyperthyroidism (not sleeping, lost 6 lbs. since surgery and i am down to 82lbs, heart rate 130’s etc. ) my pcp sent me to an endo today who is stopping my synthroid for 6 weeks, getting a bunch of labs, and ordered a thyroid scan with uptake at 6 and 24 hours.has anyone heard of someone having a thyroid scan if they have had their thyroid out?? i don’t understand the logic of this. any ideas what’s up? appreciate any feedback. thanks rachel.

    Post count: 93172

    Maybe your body needs a little more time…three weeks is a short period of time…the dr sounds right to stop the meds….esp with hyper symptoms.

    there is a slight poss that the gland left even a small piece—because you know that it is surg imposs. to get it all may still have active graves……

    i think he wants the scan to see what the uptake of iodine is to see if it is still overactive……..i did not have surg…so maybe someone else can tell you the normal time that you have to wait to see an adustment….

    but follow the drs orders for now….he sounds like he knows what he is doing…..

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