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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Greetings all,

    I wanted to let you know that we are in the process of trying to change things
    a little bit. When we first started the BB we showed all message and it took
    forever to load because of the volumn of questions we were getting so we started
    to show the last 30 days of postings. This too became very large and we started
    showing the lase seven days postings with a note at the top of the page to click
    and see the last 30 days of posting. You cann see all the messages by going to
    the last message and reading it. At the end of the last message you will see a
    link to first message. This is the first message I posted that started this whole
    thing back in June of this year.

    The message board has changed quite a bit since June as we have grown. Archie and
    Annette have said we have between 600 and 1000 hits a day to the support group
    message page (not all are Graves hits) for all the support groups listed in the home page. We at the National Graves Disease Foundation did not
    anticipate such a hugh response. We try to answer all postings but many of the
    postings are very similar. If you go to the NGDF home page (there is a link at the
    top of the message board) you will see links to the frequently asked questions for
    Graves disease. We are in the process of updating the FAQ list. The NGDF bullitens
    are being added to the homepage as well. So is the NDGF application so you will not
    need to mail off to us to get what will be on the internet for you to download in
    the comfort of your own home.

    Archie and Annette are doing this for us free of charge and are doing this in their spare
    time and we thank them very much for it. You will see more changes as time goes by and the
    NGDF homepage is being redone by Annette to make it easier to see everything and links
    will send you to where you need to go. Plese take the time if you are newly diagnosed to
    read all the posts. You will see a lot of repeat questions but you will also see answers,
    dispair, hope, encouragement but most of all you will see a common thread of understanding
    and compassion. Understanding is the key! There are not many folks out there who can
    relate to what bothers us, worries us, or how we see OURSELVES. We understand and we can
    provide an ear to listen and maybe even provide answers and recommendations. Bruce, Dianne,
    Debbie, Rachel, Nancy and myself are all volunteers who try to help out others like us.
    Nancy is our Director. I will post more latter. Until then hang in there.

    Jake George
    on-line support group

    Post count: 93172

    Greetings all,

    Well it has been a busy week on the old BB. Welcome to all new folks
    and hello to all old (?) folks. I have send some of you answers
    individually so hopefully I will get all the mail answerd and add comments
    to Bruce’s STUFF (thanks Bruce).

    I entered a previous post on prisms but here is a brief. Ground prisms are
    great. Go for the high index plastic and e-mail me for a frame that is great
    of folks with GD.

    Secondary glocoma; Some folks have asked if marijuana would help. Belive it
    or not I have had a lot of conversations with folks and doctors on this subject.
    Survey says!!! NOPE to DOPE. Most people did not experence any relief and in
    many cases it agravated their eyes and did not help. Plus secondary munchies
    is not a good thing. The eye drops for glocoma have THC in them which is the
    active ingredient in POT so use the drops if prescribed and keep away from the
    pot. I must admit I thought about it myself thats why I started asking questions.

    Radiation and distance: How far to stay away is up to your doctor and the lenght
    of time as well. I was told a longer time and distance than most. Use common sense.
    And follow your doctors advice.

    This is a tougher one. Dentists and GD. Well the jury is out on that one. I have
    not been able to find much on the subject other than Ann’s post and what my dentist
    told me as well as some folks in my local group. Take it for what it’s worth it can
    not be found in writing. My dentist said he would watch my soft tissue and gums now
    that I have had radiation. Also said he would hold off any dental work needed until
    after the RAI. Look for a future item in the NGDF news letter that is sent
    out quarterly. If you are not a member go to the top of the message board and send
    in a sase for a application. Applications will be on line soon in the home page.

    I will write more latter. I have a wicked sinus infection and the screen is killing
    my eyes.

    on-line facilitator

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