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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      The answer to yesterday’s puzzle is “LETTERS”. (In the word “twenty there are six letters, in the
      word “Six” three and so on.)

      On the lighter side….90’s lingo

      You can’t be cool if you’re using outdated lingo.
      Here’s the latest from the Corporate and Silicon
      Valley jungles.

      Beepilepy- Afflicts those with vibrating pagers characterized by
      sudden spasms, goofy facial expressions and lost of speech.(sound familiar with graves, too)

      Irritainment- Annoying but you can’t stop watching e.g. (the O. J. Trial)

      Percussive Maintenance- The fine art of whacking a device to get it working.

      Prairie Dogging- In companies where everyone has a cubicle something happens and
      everyone pops up to look.

      World Wide Wait- www.

      Yuppie Food Coupons- Twenty dollar bills from an ATM.

      Well these are meant to put a smile on your face and forget those

        Post count: 93172

        I laughed heartily at those…thanks and keep them coming!

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