Congratulations Caroline! Have a wonderful day and *night* with
your hubbyShannon
Well, today is my 4th anniversary. I’m very excited. It’s the first one my husband and I are spending together. We’re going out to dinner tonight at The Top of Waikiki. It’s a revolving restaurant at the top of a highrise in Waikiki. We’ll be able to see all the tourists, aka lobsters. He he. It’s midnight here so I should get some sleep. It’s going to be a long day. I have to drop off money at my GP’s office, work from noon to 6:30 or so, then go out with Dave for a night of fine dining (I hope), pool, and romance. I’m decorating a cake at work for the occasion. I hope everything goes well. I’m very nervous. It’s like going on a date or something. Well, I gotta go. Love to all!
Aloha, Caroline
This month I celebrate 3 yrs of messing with Graves and Graves eye disease, next week I celebrate 1yr since rai. Does it ever totally go away or get cured? I have great days and I have crappy days, in a year I’ve only been able to drop 4 lbs, heavier than ever before in my life, prednisone and quiting smoking contributed to the gain. Eyes are better than a year ago, but I could have lense changes every 6 months, insurance won’t cover that and I can’t afford it. I still see my endo every 6 weeks for blood work and adjusting of meds. I feel better on a higher dose but he wont keep me there. I sleep like I’m dead, I’m fat, I have little ambition, my mind/memory faulter, light headed off and on, small sores heal so slowly. In a few words I’m not the same person I was a few years ago. Is there ever an end to all of this, and I can be me again? thanks.
Sorry that you are feeling the way you are. You might not ever feel exactly the way you were before but things will get better. I know that right now that you feel very helpless but you will not alway feel that way. I think you need to have a serious talk with your endo about how you feel much better on a higher dose of your medicine and that you do poorly on a lower dose. As long as it doesn’t bring you levels to high I don’t see why he won’t do that for you. If he can’t do that maybe it is time to find a new endo. Right now it is the time to take care of yourself.
Diane B On-Line Facilitator
Hi, Nellie. I know how you feel. I was diagnosed with Graves sixteen months ago, and I wonder if I will ever feel like who I was before. Things may not be the same, but even so, I try to look at the positive side of things. I admit sometimes (especially lately) that that is not easy to do. I think about the supportive family and friends that I have, what I am good at, what I like, etc. That helps a little bit. I also do a lot of praying and work hard. That helps too. Maybe some of these things will help you too.
It sounds like that even if you are having these issues, you are hanging in there and keeping the faith. You sound like a strong person. You are doing it right. Don’t give up. Take care and God bless.
It was nice to be able to read some other peoples feelings about Graves diseas. I have not been on the site in a few months, but have been feeling so down latetly, I thought I would check in.I had RAI about 18 months ago, and the doctor has still not gotten me regulated. I am taking 175mg of syhthroid now. I have gained almost 60 pounds and am so tired all the time. I actually have not gained any wieght in the last month, maybe I am regulated now.
I just don’t understand why I am so tired. Is this normal? Thanks all, Melnaie
Hi. I am sorry that you are not feeling well right now. I would and do feel very tired at times with Graves. I also gained about 35 pounds as well. Definitely not fun especially since I used to walk up to three miles a day and was always on the go.
I know that when the fatigue was really bad for me, it was because my dosage of Syntrhoid was too high. My endo had to lower it a couple of times and then it was correct. Maybe that is what is going on. I would talk to your endo if it continues.
Another thing that has helped me with the fatigue is I have started a body sculpting class( aerobics with weights), and that has helped bring back some of my energy. Maybe you could do something like that and that will help.
I hope that these suggestions help, or something else helps you. Take care and God bless.
Thank you for the reply.
I know you are right, exercise does help. It just seems I am too tired to do it. I have Endo appt. every three months, I will discuss it with him next visit.
Good luck with your weight. At least I am not gaining any more. I had lost so much, and have gained it all back plus about 10 pounds.
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