Good morning Warrior’s
I have updated the NGDF home page annual convention site to include the actual registration form on-line. It is an adobe acrobat file and if you click on it it will open on your computer. You can print it out and fill it out and mail it in. In a few weeks we will have an interactive form where you can fill it in charge it to your credit card and you will be registered. You will receive confermation via e-mail.
I have been working on the home page since November and have learned quite a lot. I am makeing the site more user friendly and playing around with fonts and backgrounds to make it easy on our eyes. I am doing quite a few things in the background that you do not see that hopefully will make it load quicker, and allow you to move through the pages easy. The front page is done. I am going through the site a page at a time and making changes to make it look better and incorporating suggestions from you all.
The next major update will be a page with links to all of our bulletins. You will be able to look at a synopsis of each page and decide if you are interested in purchasing it. Once the credit card thing goes throug you will be able to order your bulletins on-line (or send cash like always) and you will have the option of getting your bulletins on-line or snail mailed to your house. You will also be able to join the NGDF on-line using a credit card (or mail in the form that is on-line) and you will be allowed to get your free bulletins and start getting your news letter.
We are here for you and are trying to make this site feel like home to you where you feel comfortable. Just remember we are only a click away.
On-line Facilitator
Webmaster (I am webmaster hear me whimper)